New York City Shuts Down Rikers Island- What Now?
Last week, Thursday, in NYC, emotions were high, tension was explosive and decisions were made to build four new jails and to close...

Solitary Confinement— No Place for Children, or Anyone for that Matter
When he came home after three years on Rikers Island, NY, and two years spent in solitary confinement, Kalief Browder was changed. He was...

June 25th, 2019
Dear Neighbors, My name is Akeem Browder, and I’m writing to you because on June 25th, the people of Queens will go to the polls to vote...

The Chief News w/Report on Closure of Rikers w/Akeem Browder
A forum on Rikers Island’s future that pitted law-enforcement professionals against prison reformers Nov. 14 was contentious and...

Criminal Justice in America, under the Trump Era?
"we now acknowledge as new set of holidays in our communities. Starting with acknowledging our lost souls"- Akeem Browder of the K

Criminal Justice Reform in NYS
Criminal Justice Reform in the State of New York is a responsibility for everyone to know and understand for the future of our kids. However